Well what a year!


Let’s start by saying THANK YOU.

To say the last couple of years has been a bit of an adventure, would be an understatement. Despite the global turbulence, team TNG have enjoyed a fantastic, productive and award-winning year and we are so grateful for the opportunities that have come our way.

You know what we do for you, but we thought we’d share what we’ve been up to for everyone else too. We invite you to check out our new reel below – be sure to crank up the tune ; )

A few key highlights to call out;

Taking out a further 4 awards for excellence in property marketing at this year's BETTER FUTURE Sydney Design awards. It's no secret that we love working with placemakers and property developers helping to contribute to positive change in both residential and commercial spaces. Each project, location and target audience comes with its unique nuances, challenges and opportunities. And this year, we’ve taken pride in continuing to deliver excellent strategic creative that cuts through and gets outstanding quantifiable results.

It wasn't all property this year – we also provided strategy and creative for clients across a range of sectors, from boutique booze companies, to fitness, proptech and healthcare. We teamed up with Lifeline Northern Beaches to spearhead the creative for the Lifeline Surfing Classic fundraising event. Plus, our sister company – The Drawing Arm – has kept serving up world-class illustrations and artworks for more clients than we can count.

As custodians of our community, TNG also continues to work with Brookvale Arts District (BAD) – a nexus of creativity, innovation, sustainability and excellence. With Boss Lady – Lara – part of Investment NSW's UPTOWN accelerator program – helping to put BAD on the map for Arts, Industry and Culture.
Watch this space, we have so much to announce next year!

On a personal level, we loved welcoming TNG babies #13 & 14! A huge congratulations to Alice with baby Grace, and Ben with baby Poppy! 

A huge thank you to our team, clients, suppliers, fabricators, collaborators, supporters and cheer leaders – we simply couldn't do this without you.

Have a good one ; )

Lara, Simon and the TNG team x x x

Lara Allport